A bicycle lying on the road - Levian Law

Los Angeles is one of the most heavily congested cities in the country. As the home to Hollywood’s elite and the ideal destination for those desperately chasing their dreams, Los Angeles is just as famous for its traffic as it is for its A-list celebrities. To circumvent this issue, many choose to ride their bicycles instead, and while this may make their daily commute a little less stressful, unforeseen dangers can be just around the corner.

Bicycle accidents are occurring at an unsettling rate on the Southern California streets of Los Angeles. With a considerable portion of them being hit-and-run accidents, it’s all the more crucial that you seek informed legal representation.

The Los Angeles bike accident lawyer at Levian Law is a passionate personal injury attorney dedicated to the well-being of our clients. The claims process is notably complex, and accident victims are often underrepresented, resulting in unfavorable settlement offers if any at all. Our team is here to guide you to the compensation you’re entitled to by law while protecting your best interests throughout the claims process.

Liability In Los Angeles Bike Accidents

Los Angeles city officials often urge residents to pursue transportation alternatives like biking. However, passenger vehicle drivers aren’t usually as willing to share the road with cyclists as many would hope. Thus resulting in life-threatening car-on-bike accidents.

Some of the most notable causes of bike accidents in Los Angeles include:

  • Speeding drivers
  • Distracted drivers
  • Impaired drivers
  • Drivers violating bike lane restrictions

While passenger vehicle drivers routinely violate traffic regulations which, in turn, cause bike accidents, cyclists are not free of blame. Those who choose to ride a bike in Los Angeles have laws they must abide by as well which are designed to ensure a safe commute. Any of the following actions by cyclists can just as easily cause an accident:

  • Lane-splitting
  • Failing to signal turns
  • Failing to equip bike with headlight
  • Failing to utilize bike lanes when necessary
  • Stopping or parking in a bike lane
  • Wearing earplugs in both ears

If you believe your bike accident resulted from a third-party’s negligence, reach out to our team today to learn about how you can recover compensation for accident-related damages.

Recoverable Damages In A Los Angeles Bike Accident

A man lying on the ground next to his bike and car - Levian Law

California is a fault state. This means that rather than going through your own insurance after an accident, you pursue compensation through the at-fault party’s policy. In doing so, you must file a claim to recover compensation for accident-related damages. Some of the most common damages in a bike accident include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damage
  • Past, present, and future medical bills
  • Medical equipment
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning ability

The liable party’s insurance company won’t hesitate to reach out and offer a settlement. While their intentions may seem genuine, this is in their best interests as the settlement amount is often insufficient and you accepting means that they won’t have to worry about a lawyer getting involved.

You can maximize your compensation amount and ensure that the liable party is held accountable by securing the legal counsel of a knowledgeable bike accident lawyer.

Guiding You To Accident Damage Recovery

Our Los Angeles bike accident lawyer at Levian Law is eager to provide you with the legal representation you deserve. Accident claims are often complex with their being numerous state laws to consider and insurance companies who won’t take you seriously without legal counsel.

Get help from an attorney who will fight to the end to ensure just financial compensation. Contact us today for a free bike accident consultation by dialing (888) 694-8869 or completing our contact form.

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