Top Employment Law Lawyer In California

If you believe you have not been paid the wages you have earned, including unpaid overtime, commissions, bonuses, or you have not received Employment Law Attorney adequate meal and rest breaks as required by the Labor Code then call the attorney at Levian Law for a free consultation. Sometimes employees are misclassified as “exempt” as opposed to “non-exempt,” which often gives rise to a wage and hour dispute. If you, as an employee, feel you have been misclassified, or as an employer have misclassified your employees and now find yourself involved in a legal matter then Levian Law can help. We represent employers and employees in all wage and hour matters. The attorney at Levian Law represents employees and employers in employment & labor law matters. We represent individuals and entities in wage and hour, discrimination, harassment, retaliation, wrongful discharge, sexual harassment and various other work-related matters.

If you have been discriminated, harassed, and/or retaliated against on the basis of your race, age, sex, pregnancy, religion, complaints, disability, or for taking medical leave then call the attorney at Levian Law for a free consultation. We represent employers and employees in all matters involving violations of such statutes as the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and California Family Rights Act (CFRA), and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

While most employment relationships in California are “at will” that does not give employers the right to terminate an employee for an illegal reason, i.e. a reason that violates a statute or regulation or that is contrary to a contract that was entered into (whether written or implied). If you feel you have been “wrongfully terminated” then call the attorney at Levian Law for a free consultation.

We represent employers and employees in wrongful termination actions.

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